Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mr Scholl Shoes In Singapore

... Hope ... San Martino Buon

... just write a note to tell you that in this period
my head is elsewhere .... more precisely here ...
ON SITE ... ...
... we hope to get into our dream home
before Christmas .... but I do not know that we will succeed ....

.. is that checks if the husband did the walls straight ...
and think that I am the "detailing of the house":)
We hope to celebrate here on Dec. 25 ...
in our new living room with fireplace, access ... ...
crib ... .. tree lights ... .. packets
biscuits ... .. Panettone
sofa cuddling ... ... .. and greetings hugs ...
hope ... hope ... hope ...
if I say it again then come true ???:)

(sore going to go knocking cognatini
next door ... they are moving house every other day ..!!)
see you soon!


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