Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bugatti Veyron Radiator Layout

... Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent ...
but we say that we start now we wait ...

this morning ... December 1
occurred and white silent ....
subheading Matthew came and told me
.. oh, did you see out that beautiful ???.... Matti is beautiful .. .....
hours but maybe even go to say that it snows in Michi ...
... so does not get up at the last minute as always:)

this instead will be our Advent Calendar ...
.... a book ... a book that offers stories ...
... a book about feelings ...
... a book that allows me to donate some time ....
I bought it three years ago ...
and I managed to read a story to children
every night until Christmas ...
was "hard" .. but very nice ...:)
the cam was very small ... if not even remember ...
tonight .. so I thought I'd give her a surprise ...

... On the bed I'll find his bunny and this book ....
and before going to bed and read the first story ...
... The story of a teddy bear that one evening he sees a bright star in the sky ...
... a star that will point the way to Bethlehem ...
... we hope to read them all ...

ps great with the kids instead have a "chore"
assigned by catechists ...
mmmm ... we hope to do it ...
not see them very convinced!


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