Monday, November 15, 2010

Will Vigamox Affect My Birth Control

Lake Winter

The winter has its charm, but every so often, and often a sense of melancholy, an uncontrollable desire for relaxation, agree that the wood burns in the fireplace, roasting chestnuts, hot The warmth of a blanket that wraps its warmth, this certainly creates an atmosphere, tender and romantic, but turning the page, how sad! When it rains, I can not even go to my favorite destination.
Every time I get the chance, I used to relax on one of the many benches around the lake of Lecco. I sit there in silence and solitude, reflecting deep in my thoughts. I watch the water, with its sluggish winter color breaks its small waves on the edges of concrete corroded by time, sounds like little sounds and keeps me company. Everything seems sad, but it is not.
All around is quiet and relaxing, even the seagulls with their flights, damage to the landscape, halo full of charm and magic. Not the lake in winter or to bring the atmosphere that creates sadness, that when there is, comes from within, cel'hai soul and if you do not tear, no magic you can release it, and winter is so difficult, not helps even time.


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