Monday, November 8, 2010

Can U Put Any Trucks On Berlin Wood Decks?

... Words that paint ...

... I discovered this poet many years ago watching a movie ...
(this says a lot about my culture poetry:) ...!!!
and the day after I bought the collection of his poems ...

Although unable to understand them all ...
I remain enchanted .... .... .... is like looking at the pictures ...
... I do not read his poetry ... I see ...

... A drop fell on the apple
another roof

half a dozen kissed the eaves and gables laugh feceero
some came out to help the brook that went to
help the sea
I figured if they were pearls necklaces
that you could do ....

... a poem Emily Dickinson ...

ah ... as you can see that incocludente these days ....
I have so many things on my mind ... ... uff uff ...


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