Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Navyfield Price Coculator

Bread Party

... Because ... " I cook cook "
... might as well put it on the blog ...:)
So busy day today as ever. More ... ..
course of knitting ...
then .. in a nutshell ... I had already planned
or that I would not have wanted to put me in the kitchen ...
... so after lunch I prepared this
to goodness ....
for dinner tonight and I had only acc AKING the oven:)
this is a very old recipe from the mill white ...
taken by one of those books that give the collection points
he 80 years:)

... Take on normal slices of toast
cut edges and set aside ...

.. slices soaked in milk,

gently squeeze between your hands and place in a baking dish ...

(if you have a team .. best .. not like me that I only
round and I have to "play" with the joints:)

add ham and mozzarella ... ...
the first layer, then cover with more slices ...

add new ham and mozzarella ...
then cover the top layer with the edges of the slices
and always soaked in milk ...

... Beat two eggs in a cup.
. Half a glass of milk

half glass of cream (optional) ..
a pinch of salt ... nutmeg
spoon the mixture and bake the cake ...
at 200 ° for about 20-25 minutes

... when it will be nice colored and swollen ..
remove from oven let it cool .. ..
satisfaction and pronounced these words:

is ready cenaaaa !!!:)

This recipe I make for twenty years now ...
and has always come very well ..
I tried to put the smoked ham and other cured meats and cheeses .. ...
but the kids prefer it done so far! ..


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