Friday, October 1, 2010

Whos Hotter In Pokemon

Disappointments from the web ... .. ..

... So this time I'll take the "anger" of all bloggher ...
luckily here then do not spend a lot ....!!
I would say one thing ....
So ... let's see how to say it nicely ...
so ... there are few words ...
I do a few laps ... and do not take too much away ....
cabbage! is difficult .... but I say ...
.... I am giving my appeal .... my advice ...
E 'it possible that so few have the courage to say
this idea I have not made up myself ...
I saw I liked it ... I have changed ...
I twisted the whole ... I copied verbatim ...
is not all my own bag! I'm not saying
that every time you have to say
by the thread and sign all Pappardella ..
and unless there are no rights,
do not have to even put
the precise source .... but hell!
not make me believe that what you are not ....
also omit always lie as always ....
But why is it so difficult to accept that good ideas
someone else had them ?????
to believe that because I have some wonderful new ideas, even though the
copy it somewhere else??
I remain very, very disappointed ..
I feel a little taken by the nose ...
well and I get nervous when I see these things ...
find beautifull ideas ...
and then find elsewhere .... but it should be? But there !!??!??!???
Years ago when I drew clothing
still do not think that put me in front
a nice white sheet and I began to invent something ..
Giorgio Armani already many years before
said that he would not invent anything!!
... ... Everything you revisit changes.
. Depending on personal taste .. you understand the meaning??
anyway .... oh well what do you think??
'go beyond what I wrote ...
maybe I have not even hinted.
.. try to grasp the concept ....
and give me your opinion if you like ....
last thing:
"the world is beautiful because it's different saying ...".

.. and everyone is free to do qullo wants ...
but if you put in "square" ... I feel free
to give my humble opinion ....


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