Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Clear Service Holden Com Vy

Relay friendship

.. . Frida and Valentina involved me in this game ...
So .. briefly works as follows:
Publish these 8 questions and logo, answer ...
and pass the baton to ...
I say I will stop the first two ....
the witness leave it here .. .. you see ..:)
if you like you can take it and you also do this ....:) relay

1 - to small when you asked what you wanted to do something big to say?
2 - What were your favorite cartoons?
3-What were your favorite games?
4-what is your birthday was the best and why?
5-what are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?
6-what was your first sporting passion and do not?
7-which is was your first musical idol?

8 - which was the best thing sought (and eventually received) Santa Claus, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?

.. answer ... or at least I try ...
1-I wanted to be a teacher
2-candy-candy-lady star of the Oscar-Lulu senna flowers:)
3-play with the barbie
4-pizzeria in the 18 years .. with friends .. all all ... I have made and dedicated guitar and choir ten girls .. of Baptists in "eighteen years Possoni enough for you ..." .. adapting all the lyrics to me:)
5-there is absolutely nothing that I would do ... I do what I can ...:)

7-venditti (Cynthia piero and the singing and sung in 11 years ..... I think:)

8-I ask every day ... and it seems to me that someone hears. .:) I'm lucky:)

. .. And now ???... those who continue?:)


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