Saturday, October 9, 2010

Silver Bed What Color Do I Paint The Walls

I think to change ...

Considering settimanina a bit 'heavy ... I thought about changing some sentence ... I liked your profile so concise and clear ... .. at least for me ... but as I get criticism of criticism. blog from where I left comments on the recipes you've seen before "... E. .. since I'm beginning ... that I have published 20 yes and no post in 4 months ... I would "cut the bull's head and put something that leaves no doubt for the future ...
I have the PC and a CD with lots of photos .. I have so many books .. I have three children who have made twenty thousand school laboratories and (not)
creative ... I went to parties for children in the streets ...
laboratories cretività I did it myself ..
. I look at a few years, many blogs and foreign books ... etc. .. etc. ...
(then maybe you are also convinced to think of something and but I saw it somewhere and have been conditioned .. oh well!) Qulcuno I said something to me very liked: "I'm not afraid to say that I took of the ideas from someone else
because, as I also have my own ideas,
I do not think the other shadow ..."
nice eh? ... And this girl has a blog micca to laugh!
that there think if I put it on the side of manumanie-kids?
of creativity in this blog ...
'll find many projects to be undertaken with and for children ...
projects that I took from my experience of animation ...
from my experience as a mother ...
projects I've seen on other blogs that I liked ..
projects that I have read in books ...
... they told me ... you'll find some that I thought ...
some that I have turned
find projects that I have changed .. or copied .... This will be a way to make known to you
what I know ...
then as I read that sentence but I do not remember ...
saying .. in this blog there are things done as a hobby
if someone feels offended because the idea was his and so on .. .. .. eccetra
put too??

e. Appearance advice. :(... More critical ... if you like

ps go read my last comment in a previous post .. I would also recommend them!


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