Sunday, October 31, 2010

Muslim Sayings On Wedding Card

photos of my dear friend GE.

I particularly do not understand art and photography, but when a person is nice and beautiful, is a picture is a picture I like and I admire (in a good way)
a certain envy for those who can make small or large masterpieces. I
dear friend, who has the talent to make "fire" some beautiful pictures and his careful and precise objective, is out photographs, really pleasing and beautiful. Beautiful landscapes, I want to have the honor of hosting my blog.

I met him by accident, asserted that between a man and a woman, there can be no friendship, he says, that there may be: passion, enmity, worship, love but no friendship.
because of this (we do not know whether right or wrong) theory, we discussed a lot, I think that friendship can there be, he continues to assert that no! Who will be right? Mha!

its dawn.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Clear Service Holden Com Vy

Relay friendship

.. . Frida and Valentina involved me in this game ...
So .. briefly works as follows:
Publish these 8 questions and logo, answer ...
and pass the baton to ...
I say I will stop the first two ....
the witness leave it here .. .. you see ..:)
if you like you can take it and you also do this ....:) relay

1 - to small when you asked what you wanted to do something big to say?
2 - What were your favorite cartoons?
3-What were your favorite games?
4-what is your birthday was the best and why?
5-what are the things I absolutely wanted to do and you have not already done?
6-what was your first sporting passion and do not?
7-which is was your first musical idol?

8 - which was the best thing sought (and eventually received) Santa Claus, Baby Jesus, Saint Lucia?

.. answer ... or at least I try ...
1-I wanted to be a teacher
2-candy-candy-lady star of the Oscar-Lulu senna flowers:)
3-play with the barbie
4-pizzeria in the 18 years .. with friends .. all all ... I have made and dedicated guitar and choir ten girls .. of Baptists in "eighteen years Possoni enough for you ..." .. adapting all the lyrics to me:)
5-there is absolutely nothing that I would do ... I do what I can ...:)

7-venditti (Cynthia piero and the singing and sung in 11 years ..... I think:)

8-I ask every day ... and it seems to me that someone hears. .:) I'm lucky:)

. .. And now ???... those who continue?:)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Surgery For Gallbladder Polypsis It Necessary?

autumn afternoon ...

.. Only now I feel it really got my long awaited Fall ...
with him ... and a great desire to do anything .... really want to stay indoors in the heat ..
... on the couch to do the hook ...
or have tea with biscuits and
Kark ade ...

... I left for a "moment" the blanket for children
to do this shawl for a dear friend ...
to tell her I love her ...:)
... then tell me if is good or should I "sguastare all: ("

. . For those who finds it somewhat 'with the hook:
chains around 46 and then closes the work
working then point down until you reach the desired height of neck
continues CON3 high points, you miss a chain and so on, for the first lap.
Continue to the end with high 3Point, 1catenella,
3Point high 1catenella ... etc.etc
to the desired length ..
not easy ... more!
I've got two already started for my granddaughters!

... These however are our biscuits for tea to 5 ...

Pastafrolla and nutella ... ... (and pretty cute autumn stencils) ...
... .. All this instead of filling boxes and boxes of ...
and hidden by the good hubby that works "on site"
to finish our house;)

you remember or not I have to move ????...

... one of those times I show you a little something from ... ok?
Good Sunday to all! ...

ps Frida and Vale tomorrow ... promise
"I take the baton" ..
thanks! kisses!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Watch P90x Free Online Workouts

Now I know. In the image and likeness

Now I realize that no one perfect .. That life is tough, but I more! That opportunities are never lost, the ones that leave you, someone else takes them. When Serb resentment and bitterness happiness goes away. What you should always use good words, because tomorrow maybe you should stay.
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your aspetto.Che I can not choose how I feel, but I can always do something.
What should enjoy the journey and not think only meta.Che is better to give advice in only two circumstances, when requested and when life depends. Now I know! The less time wasted ........................

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cheap Prom Dresses Request Catalog


4M The brand is synonymous with intelligent toys, original and stimulating and are dedicated to kids curious and creative.

While with the science kit kids can enjoy the most fascinating scientific phenomena, the effects of physics, optics and magnetism girls, with charming Kit can make wonderful items for themselves or for their friends and they can decorate their spaces by developing the manual , creativity and taste.

All toys are tested and approved to CE and have received prestigious international awards.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Walky Talky Zero Zwt-328

To Make Crochet ...

... Making crochet is addictive .... but I serious addiction:)
When I start ... .. any excuse is good all the time is right. ..
Mollo there all I have to do ... (Including housework) ...
to continue to sit on the
WORKPLACE started ...
these days to avoid
to "bring back the dough grain" (as the hubby when it is overcooked!) ..
I did well in the foot ..
. front of the stove ....
I found a site that define is just beautiful ..
then what have I done? Two weeks
are officially a student of Jersey / Crochet ...
I go to a lady teacher .. along with some grannies ...
.... sometimes comes not from some
of a young man;)
The best thing for me to
T his hobby is that you can take it to any part of
and especially when you stop ....
throw everything into a bag without having to clean anything !!!...
... And then I always liked these "chores by her grandmother ...
when I was little my mother taught me to do
the chain ...
but then I had done nothing ...
in place now ... I took off ... and no one can stop me:)

... then we say that I thought to make a blanket for my children ..
not pretty pretty to put a blanket on the bed alone,
.... not a blanket "treat with kid gloves or else you ruin "....
.... not to be used only a few times .... or to be kept locked in the closet ...

... I thought I would make a colorful blanket ...
that puts in a good mood ....
to throw on ... sofa .. to use as a cape ....
.. to put on the floor like a soft carpet ...

... to wrap up in a hug .. when you have .... want to cuddle ...

... the colors ... I'm not sure I have not yet selected the final ....
'm doing tests with the card .... I also made a folder
colors of yarn ... and every time I take
a ball of a new color, I add one ....
(such as those DEII yarns for cross stitch ..)
color cards help a lot to do
matches just because you see them now ... ..
and you must be thinking ...
mah! Will stay .. well then that with this ?!!...

... I started with these flowers ... then I will do the "tiles" ...
then finally ... .. the thing that absolutely can not stand ...

... Stop all the wires !!!.. what a nightmare!!
... I leave my hands ... "I itch" .. I have to go
knitted !!!!.....:)

... ah go and see: ...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Silver Bed What Color Do I Paint The Walls

I think to change ...

Considering settimanina a bit 'heavy ... I thought about changing some sentence ... I liked your profile so concise and clear ... .. at least for me ... but as I get criticism of criticism. blog from where I left comments on the recipes you've seen before "... E. .. since I'm beginning ... that I have published 20 yes and no post in 4 months ... I would "cut the bull's head and put something that leaves no doubt for the future ...
I have the PC and a CD with lots of photos .. I have so many books .. I have three children who have made twenty thousand school laboratories and (not)
creative ... I went to parties for children in the streets ...
laboratories cretività I did it myself ..
. I look at a few years, many blogs and foreign books ... etc. .. etc. ...
(then maybe you are also convinced to think of something and but I saw it somewhere and have been conditioned .. oh well!) Qulcuno I said something to me very liked: "I'm not afraid to say that I took of the ideas from someone else
because, as I also have my own ideas,
I do not think the other shadow ..."
nice eh? ... And this girl has a blog micca to laugh!
that there think if I put it on the side of manumanie-kids?
of creativity in this blog ...
'll find many projects to be undertaken with and for children ...
projects that I took from my experience of animation ...
from my experience as a mother ...
projects I've seen on other blogs that I liked ..
projects that I have read in books ...
... they told me ... you'll find some that I thought ...
some that I have turned
find projects that I have changed .. or copied .... This will be a way to make known to you
what I know ...
then as I read that sentence but I do not remember ...
saying .. in this blog there are things done as a hobby
if someone feels offended because the idea was his and so on .. .. .. eccetra
put too??

e. Appearance advice. :(... More critical ... if you like

ps go read my last comment in a previous post .. I would also recommend them!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Whos Hotter In Pokemon May Misty Or Dawn

Maybe I did not understand anything ...?! Grandparents Day

.. .. Check a few days so I added a "blurb" on the side of blog to be clear as possible ... not to believe things that are not ... where I say that not invent anything ... I'm not a genius ... I put on the blog ideas that I like .. I see .. I read ... ones that transform change ... .. those that are not a genius I do not deserve that I do not belong .. I wrote this because I had a thing ..

... ... So let us start from the beginning ... a few days ago I pointed to a blog that many of the things I saw ... were taken verbatim by many foreigners ... and since I blog, I repeat, I thought would be "by Fantasia," the lady of the house ... when I saw the opposite .. I felt "frigate ".... unfortunately But in remarks apparently I used the word "creativity" improperly .. and I have responded to consigliadomi read fantasy Bruno Munari to understand the concept ....
In these days, since I've talked to some people ... I have been given different answers:-All

copy! .. In life .. at work ... blog by Italians, and foreign ..... so .. okay ...

-If you change some "point" .. ..... I can also omit hidden
have it already from somewhere

-If you use the right words ... and I'm careful not to put the phrase .. "I have this thing I thought," I can take the merits

-'s important is that ideas do you write about ... no matter if you have already seen from other

-If you do not take pictures or texts from other (which would be plagiarism) ... but one thing Redo view somewhere else ... do not have to say taking it from ...

-No one cares if you copy or not ... only interested in human relationships (ie friendship, esteem eccecc ..) that is established with the writer's blog

instead .. maybe because I just that are "entry in the blog world" ... I believe in other things ... I think that if a blog is set "on the imagination and creativity .. (which, as they are used ... for 90% of people .. they mean the same thing) ... if you copy things from others, you should not have thought to imply ...
And with more visible to a blog must have more ... respect for people gullible and simple ... how can I be me ...

for example, when I got on a site and see something very innovative .. something that usually in Italy for example, you can not see the Ah .. I do not think will have copied it .. I think that good looks
Ah what a great idea!
these days, however, in addition to "Masacre" ... for saying what I thought ... some have told me that I look at the blog in the wrong way ... the blog to be seen as a run of veicolo.per ideas !!... then it does not matter if you take it from here and there ...
conclusion ... (I thought I had already conlcuso but I get the mail that makes me think ... and continue to write comments accusing me of offending little cute ..) I would ... know your thoughts ... if you like ... because as I just said "these ideas I've seen the same from 'other side' (and the truth ... ..) or let me go ... or I was told "they are coincidences" ... or something else ... no??
I do not think it is right to silence me and tell me just because I'm not going to knock nobody's home .. the blog is a "square" and I must also be ready to respond ("arguing" if possible) to comments from various oh that good! .. oh how nice!
This is my thinking .. but then again I'd love to know how well you think you can change your mind ...
in life ....
hello thanks to all!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Inflatable Rainbow Baby Walker Worldwide

My nature curious and attentive, leads me to wander in different locations and in every fold of the Internet, they call it "surfing" I'm back again and for me surfing is when you go to sea, but , think about it, is an appropriate word in referring to this huge information container, so vast and complete, it looks like an endless sea. In one of those "surfing" I found a kind of poetry, word for word, identifies me perfectly.
people like me, come back to recover a friend calling into play everything to find a smile or a simple hug.
Those like me look at you straight in the eye but secretly you contemplate
and never tire of looking at you, admire you
and why not love you! Why convinced that each of us
there is something profoundly special that we must find gently.
Those like me who also want to scream, shouting to the whole world
sometimes so unimaginative.
Those like me shyly look at you and expect that spark that ignites
the beating of your heart.
Those like me are eternal dreamers waiting for the sunset
to enjoy a swim in the sea overwhelmed by the splendor of this beautiful planet
that illuminates our days and our dreams .
Those like me is never satisfied.
Those like me will always complain saying to themselves "you can do more
Those like me clench their fists to keep from crying , but silently
indulge in the embrace of a true friend, no fear to show her face in tears. Those
I would like you trust all those like me
trust all
Those like me would a world where love and imagination
you are whispering in the middle of a street
regardless people passing by.
Those like me that their man would scream
I love that look with confidence and shake gently. Those like me
bicycle to feel alive,
to enjoy the taste of the countryside and the freshness of summer rainfall on bare arms.
Those like me smile and blush when you call them and say their name
Those like me pick up the pieces of a broken vase
fix it with patience and even risking injury
people like me, if you space between confidence and give you heart
all the love!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Can I Take Niquil And Augmenting

. .. dedicated to all the grandmothers ...

"It 's nice, when we are out walking,
to take your hand and know that this same
hand held to
mother when she was my age

(Pam Brown)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Whos Hotter In Pokemon

Disappointments from the web ... .. ..

... So this time I'll take the "anger" of all bloggher ...
luckily here then do not spend a lot ....!!
I would say one thing ....
So ... let's see how to say it nicely ...
so ... there are few words ...
I do a few laps ... and do not take too much away ....
cabbage! is difficult .... but I say ...
.... I am giving my appeal .... my advice ...
E 'it possible that so few have the courage to say
this idea I have not made up myself ...
I saw I liked it ... I have changed ...
I twisted the whole ... I copied verbatim ...
is not all my own bag! I'm not saying
that every time you have to say
by the thread and sign all Pappardella ..
and unless there are no rights,
do not have to even put
the precise source .... but hell!
not make me believe that what you are not ....
also omit always lie as always ....
But why is it so difficult to accept that good ideas
someone else had them ?????
to believe that because I have some wonderful new ideas, even though the
copy it somewhere else??
I remain very, very disappointed ..
I feel a little taken by the nose ...
well and I get nervous when I see these things ...
find beautifull ideas ...
and then find elsewhere .... but it should be? But there !!??!??!???
Years ago when I drew clothing
still do not think that put me in front
a nice white sheet and I began to invent something ..
Giorgio Armani already many years before
said that he would not invent anything!!
... ... Everything you revisit changes.
. Depending on personal taste .. you understand the meaning??
anyway .... oh well what do you think??
'go beyond what I wrote ...
maybe I have not even hinted.
.. try to grasp the concept ....
and give me your opinion if you like ....
last thing:
"the world is beautiful because it's different saying ...".

.. and everyone is free to do qullo wants ...
but if you put in "square" ... I feel free
to give my humble opinion ....