Sunday, February 6, 2011

Interior Boat Floor Cover

Basketweave Cowl

At least the one I finished ... It's called
Basketweave Cowl their origin in this diagram .
In fact the original scheme was for a scarf and then moves up 28 points.
it will have to do more I modified the pattern to get to 45 in this mode.

CO 45 sts. Rows 1 and 5: (RS) K11, p2, k2, p2, k11, p2, k2, p2, k11. Rows 2 and 6: P1, k8, p2, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k8, p1, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k8, p1. Rows 3 and 7: K1, p8, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k2, p8, k1, ( p2, k2) k1 p8 two teams. Rows 4 and 8: P11, k2, p2, k2, p11, k2, p2, k2, p11. Row 9: Knit 45. Rows 10 and 14: ( P2, k2) 2 Times, p12, k2, p2, k2, p11, ( k2, p2) two teams. Rows 11 and 15: ( K2, p2) 2 times, k2, p8, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k2, p7, ( k2, p2) 2 times, k2. Rows 12 and 16: ( P2, k2) 2 times, p2, k8, ( p2, k2) 2 times, p2, k7, ( p2, k2) 2 times, p2. Rows 13 and 17: ( K2, p2) 2 times, k12, p2, k2, p2, k11 ( p2, k2) 2 times. Row 18: Purl 45.

1 to 18 is repeated until the desired length.
Then you close your work as you like (I chose the hook of 3)
I apologize if it is in English but I find shortcuts easier when there are so many places to write:)

E then this morning while I waited for some friends for lunch I tried to do the tricotin'doigt I mentioned in my previous post.

should be a necklace that is open once wrapped around the neck.
Now I have to find some beads to finish it.

And now with WIP which I continue?? tonight I can not decide ... : S


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