Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creamy Cervical Mucus After Ovualation

A ghost in the flesh.

episodes of my childhood away, sometimes returning to invade the field of my memories. How many years have passed! You may very well mean a lifetime. I remember for example the long corridors adjacent to the dormitories were called "corridorelli" were in fact a string of bidet next to each other which were used for the foot bath in the evening, while in front below the long mirrors, sinks were tens of kilometers with files taps. Long had two sinks, one for each dorm, and then three bathrooms plus port where they were placed inside the toilet and bidet to wash in complete privacy. The two long basins were separated by a door that opens directly into a corridor that then went to different classrooms and were in front of the room where the nuns slept. One night, I who opened the long row of beds, so I was next to the door to precisely the corridorello, having to go to the bathroom, I got up and very, very scared, I walked into a wall bordering the door in the bathroom that gave real, not turned on the light, because I felt wrong to feel safer in the dark. I lowered my panties and sat on what I thought was the toilet, my legs are paralyzed, the heart begins to go on his own, his voice froze in her throat without making any sound, I was practically saduta into something soft mushy and made me shiver, suddenly I screamed like crazy and the thing with me soggy yelled, running andandomi retraced the road to hunt under the covers of my bed and also cover the head even forgot that I ran away to pee, while a 'shadow sneak out of the door that leads in the halls where the nuns slept. Lights were lit, and the sister of the chamber (Crocifissa mother) went out of his tent to see what was happening, Assunta! What happens? I told her terrified mother, I sat in the dark on something huge and mushy, the lights in the bathroom and there was no living soul.
Go to bed and do not be silly! I addressed him in a bad way. I could not sleep anymore, mentally I passed through all the bottoms of the nuns who slept on the same floor and I was more than certain that Mother was Anna Maria, because it was the only one that had a back that rivals the African mama's boy, a huge globe that looked like two half moons filled, had to be strong for her, because I was sitting on something that seemed a balloon. Nobody believed me, and I did not say anything, but I'm sure that night, I sat down on the fat and corpulent mother Anna Maria, pianist of the choir, which had the same idea to pee, without turning on the light.


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