Friday, February 25, 2011

Jenna Haze Bridal Gown


Just take the car, do some 'of miles here and discovered a small paradise Lanner !
has long kept an eye on their site, but the sensation of touch is another thing.

I bought yarn really special:
- a mousse Grignasco eiffel tower destined to become a shawl;
- a malabrigo Silky Merino that will become a Mithos;
- a mulberry silk Laines du nord destined to become handbags wedding ...
and luckily I stopped because it was all really wonderful ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mobile Office Conversion

Our life .......................

How To Wear The Transparent Bra

HEEL ...

no place for some but that's because I'm going slow on everything.
health this winter is definitely not on our side and after effects of falls and influence we thought we'd (hopefully) finish the season with a winter to him streptococcal otitis and conjunctivitis Streptococcal for me.
That is to say, the first week went to massage, and consular and embrace it ... the latter I am really nervous!
Yes, because with this conjunctivitis I stopped the "life" I could not read, I could not watch tv, the pc only to work with blacks to Mondaini goggles, no pampering for the tops (which I must say it was admirable), no manual work ... or even sleep! I was sleeping the conjunctiva and dry after two hours I woke up in the grip of heartburn.
And people asking me "but why do you come / go to work in these conditions?" the answer was simple from my point of view, at least there I can talk to someone, it's the only thing I may do!
Here, the reason was this.
Today I slowly started work with the Tunisian crochet, 6 but only until there was enough natural light.
I went from here to get out and to change the background of the blog trying to give me a bit 'of positive energy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Creamy Cervical Mucus After Ovualation

A ghost in the flesh.

episodes of my childhood away, sometimes returning to invade the field of my memories. How many years have passed! You may very well mean a lifetime. I remember for example the long corridors adjacent to the dormitories were called "corridorelli" were in fact a string of bidet next to each other which were used for the foot bath in the evening, while in front below the long mirrors, sinks were tens of kilometers with files taps. Long had two sinks, one for each dorm, and then three bathrooms plus port where they were placed inside the toilet and bidet to wash in complete privacy. The two long basins were separated by a door that opens directly into a corridor that then went to different classrooms and were in front of the room where the nuns slept. One night, I who opened the long row of beds, so I was next to the door to precisely the corridorello, having to go to the bathroom, I got up and very, very scared, I walked into a wall bordering the door in the bathroom that gave real, not turned on the light, because I felt wrong to feel safer in the dark. I lowered my panties and sat on what I thought was the toilet, my legs are paralyzed, the heart begins to go on his own, his voice froze in her throat without making any sound, I was practically saduta into something soft mushy and made me shiver, suddenly I screamed like crazy and the thing with me soggy yelled, running andandomi retraced the road to hunt under the covers of my bed and also cover the head even forgot that I ran away to pee, while a 'shadow sneak out of the door that leads in the halls where the nuns slept. Lights were lit, and the sister of the chamber (Crocifissa mother) went out of his tent to see what was happening, Assunta! What happens? I told her terrified mother, I sat in the dark on something huge and mushy, the lights in the bathroom and there was no living soul.
Go to bed and do not be silly! I addressed him in a bad way. I could not sleep anymore, mentally I passed through all the bottoms of the nuns who slept on the same floor and I was more than certain that Mother was Anna Maria, because it was the only one that had a back that rivals the African mama's boy, a huge globe that looked like two half moons filled, had to be strong for her, because I was sitting on something that seemed a balloon. Nobody believed me, and I did not say anything, but I'm sure that night, I sat down on the fat and corpulent mother Anna Maria, pianist of the choir, which had the same idea to pee, without turning on the light.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can A Us Citizen Go To Canada For A Abortion

Why cry on?

much time away from my beloved blog, I never thought of returning with tears in my heart, and instead it is.
How many times in life things happen that sad, bitter and marked an almost destructive, how do you overcome these moments blacks, in which it is natural to cry on!
There are ugly and unpleasant events, that when they arrive, they make us appreciate even most of the finer things in life that I wonder why they always seem few compared to those that do keep the morale in the soles of shoes. But it's worth it? For a while, 'okay, just to realize, or maybe I exaggerated things more than they are. But sometimes the captain of the unexpected, that make me feel cold inside. But then I think I will take a deep breath and go forward again to the best of my ability. I'll try to think positive as is my habit to do and I'll go on looking for a ray of sunshine that warms my face and soul. My positive nature helps me so much, but every time when I raise my head, it seems that fate puts me in my head and one foot goes even below ground, and yes I am not a negative person, however, are easy for small depressions, which fortunately do not last long. Up, up the Assumption, with yet another disappointment again: as Jesus said to Lazarus? Get up and walk! And I walk in the shoulder, and walk again.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Find A 3 Digit Combo

Natural cleansers .. DIY ... The donut

Today did you forget to
take the detergent ..?
no problem ..
you prepare it with these simple ingredients:
3 lemons - 100ml white vinegar - salt 200g
400ml water

... chopped the lemons, removing the seeds,
add the salt and half the water and blend until all
mix it ...
add the rest of the water, vinegar and boil

for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally.

Put the mixture in a glass jar
to conserve it! ...

... you seem to use a "pulp wash hands"
there is foam on your dishes ...
and maybe we'll use more than necessary because
not get used to this kind of "washing" but
dishes will be clean ...
the hands are not chapped ...

in the kitchen and you will hear a good smell of lemon ...

and adding that we are not harming the environment
tell you already that the pots "encrusted"
not be washed as with the cute ...!!
give it a try but it does not cost anything ...
I tried and now I often do a little '
to keep close to the traditional ...
for .. slowly getting used to the change !!...
for the most courageous:
try 1 or 2 tablespoons dishwashing
detesivo like and do not add more.

... Another detergent instead
that I was immediately captured

this is ... for Face and Body ...

... is only one ingredient:

... Reduce the flakes into fine powder
and put it in a glass jar with lid.
at room temperature remains even 2 months.
.. now put the jar and a spoon in the bathroom

and every time you wash your hands or face
(.. and you are not running ..)
wet the skin and use a little 'of this meal ..
soft cleaning ... .. .. e.. "Smell good.
" ..
What do you think? I convinced?
if you try ... let me know!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Interior Boat Floor Cover

Basketweave Cowl

At least the one I finished ... It's called
Basketweave Cowl their origin in this diagram .
In fact the original scheme was for a scarf and then moves up 28 points.
it will have to do more I modified the pattern to get to 45 in this mode.

CO 45 sts. Rows 1 and 5: (RS) K11, p2, k2, p2, k11, p2, k2, p2, k11. Rows 2 and 6: P1, k8, p2, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k8, p1, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k8, p1. Rows 3 and 7: K1, p8, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k2, p8, k1, ( p2, k2) k1 p8 two teams. Rows 4 and 8: P11, k2, p2, k2, p11, k2, p2, k2, p11. Row 9: Knit 45. Rows 10 and 14: ( P2, k2) 2 Times, p12, k2, p2, k2, p11, ( k2, p2) two teams. Rows 11 and 15: ( K2, p2) 2 times, k2, p8, (k2 , p2) 2 times, k2, p7, ( k2, p2) 2 times, k2. Rows 12 and 16: ( P2, k2) 2 times, p2, k8, ( p2, k2) 2 times, p2, k7, ( p2, k2) 2 times, p2. Rows 13 and 17: ( K2, p2) 2 times, k12, p2, k2, p2, k11 ( p2, k2) 2 times. Row 18: Purl 45.

1 to 18 is repeated until the desired length.
Then you close your work as you like (I chose the hook of 3)
I apologize if it is in English but I find shortcuts easier when there are so many places to write:)

E then this morning while I waited for some friends for lunch I tried to do the tricotin'doigt I mentioned in my previous post.

should be a necklace that is open once wrapped around the neck.
Now I have to find some beads to finish it.

And now with WIP which I continue?? tonight I can not decide ... : S

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Writing A Memorandum To My Teacher

midnight ... Coincidences

.... Scene Falling ...

husband : "Manu the kids are asleep?"
I : "you all sleep at last" ... you put on the film?
husband : Yeah ... I turn? ... But you know what?
... I feel like something good .... I
"by I make the cake? ...

husband, "but are not from the past eleven !!!...
.... but .. if you like ...
I "is by two minutes and put in oven ...

husband:" What are you doing?
I "by aspe .. .. I'm putting the sugar
so tomorrow when he sees the Cami ....!!!!
husband:" I bring the pan to clean ?
I : "I had already started to wash! .. No joke from hold.
am ready ... .. watch the movie ....

after 40 minutes

husband: "Manu is ready ...?
I "... Now I look
toothpick test ... yes ... cooked
want the milk?

husband:" Yes come on!!
I "aspects that I take a picture for the blog?

came so cute ...!!!
husband :"... minutes more minutes .. less ... appearance:)

and so ... after a good binge ...
Gurd we finish the movie ....
and then "fired" more than the cake

we drag to bed at a time to say the least indecent ...!!

... but .... that this Pampering ... beautiful!

Morning 7.30 am

children: "Mammaaaa but when the cake is done you?
there already missing half !!!...
I ....:" ehhh ... last night ... dad ..... opsss!
from .. hurry up it is already late ...!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Heartburn With Heart Murmurs

knitting MON (prochain) AMOUR

Turn you turn around, blogging blog and link to link, here it runs into one of Stefania . In his penultimate post
are beautiful works, a crocheted cap that would be perfect for ... a beautiful scarf that I could give a. .. and then what?
And 'the case to say: struck on the road to Damascus.
There is a photo of a handmade ethnic necklace.
not hand knitting and crochet with, right hand!

So I try, because the answers that leaves here and there seems a really nice person, and send an email.
Indeed, it is a nice and kind person and it shows me this link where I discover a fabulous world.
Yes, because I have a few things in dance: D

I take this opportunity to report a good initiative. It's called
IF NOT NOW WHEN : click to find all the information, date February 13 ... For a pre-Valentine's Day very special.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Much Hair Do Thinning Scissors Get Rid Of?


flu really knocked me down, I left him with a fatigue that I did not remember that you can have.
are inconclusive due to lack of energy and seeking with new things that I start but I'm always there on the needles / crochet hooks / work table. Li

list to try to encourage it a bit ':
- Calorimetry: I actually finished, but it is too big and will be rebuilt from scratch (or used as a scarf ... see)
- Gianni for Hat: This but once finished it was too small and therefore we are undergoing renovation but the cost of 2 / 2 devastates me ... when I come to the right I can do with the mainland will go away quicker
- Lolly willowes handwarmer: I started with the Tunisian crochet, 5 but I could not guess the extent and so I had to get me on 6. But since then I have not had time to go forward; on the other hand I bought the book and I get distracted so before you get to sleep.
- The cover of Grandma Mary has been recently added as a project because a) I have a friend who gave birth between 6 weeks pregnant, b) is a test of "United Against Cancer" which is a project very dear to me. .. for now I'm preparing the sample because it is a very technical thing, then I'll get the wool and I will
- MEA shawl: still the second review is being really good though
- SAL "a rose for Valentine's Day": For this I need a moment of calm and a bit 'of peace in the studio by myself ... Tops in this period but does not accept to stay in a room different from mine and use the hot glue gun with him is not "healthy")
- granny squares for flood victims in Australia: two facts, the project is to make it 20 for the end of February ... I guess I'll stop at 10 for this first shipment
- Basketweave Cowl: it must be finished by Sunday because I have to deliver ... it's all a count after a dozen irons I feel alienated, but the first ball is over and the second will be more alert (I hope, seeing as how it works before I redid the first 9 irons 3 times)

else? ?

those who have not yet started but are there waiting with the wool that looks at me:
- Lella
slippers - slippers Lizzy
small version - gloves
tops - my bonnet hermione
- trellis scarf or poncho (I have not decided yet, but it is just so much to sew at the end or not)
- amineko
for faith - for the big sister
summer bag - bag for the mouse of my summer school teacher who takes a moment years (a simple shoulder bag and decorated with a little 'buttons cute
- eiffel shawl for the wedding of my cousin

The nice thing is that if I look at these projects one by one and quantifying them in man-days, they would all completed in a day or two, but by concentrating all the evening when I'm too tired for anything is a mountain of work!
I am a bit 'demoralized
... But who is the cause of his ill cry himself.

And update Bibu well as tales of cat that arise from time to presonno Tops and would like to write because we invent some really nice things ...