Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Labelled Parts Of An Electric Motor

Board for announcements ...

... In our kitchen we hold a "dashboard warnings"
bachehca or a pin for all school notices, invitations for some
flyers of any action ...
doodles that Camilla
brings me home from kindergarten .. etc. .. etc.. So all those things
c he
you never know where to put them but you have an eye for
not forget something. For some
'uses one of years of cork ..
(bought a few and
uro ....)
here, I do not know, these days I could not see.!.
perhaps because it was an
cora a bit 'empty ..
maybe because I do not like the brown stain that granulosa
.. its not the whole riddled
was holding more ....
so what have I done '?
I state that in my house the

never fail .. like how the flour in her grandparents' house ..)

I took a brush and painted and I pennelletto so:

Initially I did not know what to paint ..
(did not want to leave any stone discovered a piece)
then I decided to make like a fabric by Amy Butler
one of those easy to do .. ehehe!

.. Now very slowly attack our stuff ...
Ah, I held the needles with aluminum foil ... Hihi
micca could attack them red blue and yellow ..
have this right?
PS ... my oldest son:
"the mother but what the hell did you do?
when it is full of sheets is not seen nothing !!.."
Me: "matteeeeeooooooo !!!.. .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ah.sai ...... but ...... uffaaaaaaa uff!"

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blister From Nicotine Patch

potato pie

last one of those beautiful autumn as giornatine
like me ....

wind cold gray sky ... ...
I know I know .. the summer the sun the sea ...

know what you're thinking ... but I in recent months
thinking about these days .... they finally know
rebbero come ....:)
... Come on, we're almost in a while .. ' we will be in Fall ...
today as for the first time in a long ...
"I closed the windows because it was cold ..."
I acc eso the oven for our:

potato pie

1 kg of potatoes 1 egg

1 hg (even less) of sliced \u200b\u200bcooked ham 5 slices
or slices of fontina
half a glass of milk
a nut (or two) of butter

Boil the potatoes, remove the peel
still hot and mash masher.
Add egg, butter, milk, salt,
nutmeg and mix together
with a spoon until the mixture is soft and tasty
... (assaggiatelo! )
Now, place half the mixture in a baking pan
butter, then add ham and fontina
and cover with the remaining mixture.
Sprinkle with bread crumbs ..
... add some butter.
oven to 200 degrees for about 20-30 minutes ...

Good Good Good!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hip Scarf Mississauga

Games Mother's ... Remember

"Oh mom, but what keeps them doing all those cans ??...
ahhhh .. it .. to make those your" way " Blog .. .
by ah understand .. you're out ...!!!

Here, these are comments of my two "big kids" when they see me
put in the closet
various packaging boxes .... .. cartoons .. etc.etc ...:(

???.. Then what happens here, put that photograph should
containers of yogurt ...
put that you pull out all
and begin to build a pyramid ... tower
... .... wear, take off, giro.prillo .... who comes out?

.. "mom what are you doing??
ah ... I can try from the
no aspe
make me do it I'm jar ...
oh by the way we expected ....

oh look at this ... I did !..." more beautiful I
No, but a moment .. sorry ....
were not my "so" these??
mò and we want to play too???
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!( and satisfaction! ihihi:)
And so after some 'trial and error ... ..
(CAMI was never stops ... and everything collapsed!)
we were able to stack them tuttiii!
Too bad so many have left in the mountains!

..?.. ... and then I had time to do two shots and ...

.. ahhhhhhhhhhhh ..!!!...... disaster and as if laughing !!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Words For A Super Bowl Invitation

The first love .................

In the solitude of the night, alone with myself, sitting on my chair in the living room, and I think, I I always think. My thoughts are many and those who will not let me rest, follow each other tremendously and never stop. The past is my most common sweet torment. If I were to compare my head to a container, I could only think of a huge silos, one of those huge, gigantic and unaccountable. I am an incurable romantic and if I make a compliment, despite my age, I still and always flattering. If
digging deeply into my memory, among other things that pop up, I can even remember my first "big love." I was a little girl and I liked being with a very nice kid named Alberto, was the son of a general request for accommodation in Milan and came to Messina. His house had a huge gate that looked out on the highway to go to reach my house. I looked through the bars forever, until one day attacked button. We became great friends, but I always on both sides of him beyond the big gate, our great love, was consumed, as well! Divided by a gate. We spent hours and hours to tell the secrets of our innocent children. Then ironically, his father was transferred and were never more to Messina. How much pain he felt my tender heart of a child, for the first time they passed the gate, I always had the feeling, to see him any minute ride into the avenue that ran through his garden, but this never happened. Slowly I forgot it, also because his place in my heart was replaced by Salvatore, said Turi, attended the same school but not the same class, in my eyes he was fine, but the opposite of Alberto, educated and refined, Turi was a brat gay and unconventional. His father ran a tavern in the neighborhood, it was through him that I saw for the first time the TV, then it was in black and white. How I loved him! Then the hard destiny once again, he tested my (great loving heart) and this time, I was with my family to leave Sicily for ever, Lombardia destination, leaving them in that tavern between dark barrels, glasses and stinking smell of wine, my heart and above all my love, which soon, I remembered not even the face. Power of feeling and passion ................

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Proper Way To Ask For Money For A Shower

of a beautiful summer ...

.... We all come home ... abbimo left the mountains ....
but I'm happy ... this is my favorite time of year ...
I never started the new year in January ...
for me the beginning is in September ...
when everything starts again ... when you rearrange things ...
when the school reopens and notebooks have
pages all be written ...
.... These days I'm tidying the house ...
rearranging the drawers ... the clothes ...
am preparing everything for a new beginning ...
... a new beginning .... I like it, I like to put in order ...
put in order even myself as I do ... I put the order ...:)
thoughts ... feelings ... new projects ...
... And while I spend my days with my friends, inseparable
Mr. mop, Mr. ... degreaser and cleaner miss ...
I remember the beautiful days of vacation ....

... hiking up the mountains ...

... At basketball games with "To Dad" ...

... the impromptu lunch with friends ...

.. on the terrace Rising to the challenges of ...

trscorso ... At the time the most important people .. .

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where Should A Coffee Table Sit

an experience to remember

It was by chance that I made the decision to sign up for Free, I had to communicate a message to a registered and I could not do it, if not registered, how do you usually drew my profile, and I was enthusiastic, it seemed like a nice thing and curious. After my registration, I put on display even my picture and in fact I came good and my face, pleasant and nice, emblazoned on all the profiles of the so-called friends. They started getting messages of friendship, they were all pseudo friends, wrote to me as if I knew long before I liked it, and have many icons on my profile I lured. To have my friends full field, naively, I asked myself some friendship. Then looking around on the profiles of others, I understood more and more, that looked more like a brothel than anything else, women who described themselves as, horny, men eating, tits, ass in the air instead of photos. Now I wonder: how does a woman of 62 years to still be so naive, I dare say almost disarmingly. And 'I can never professed an intelligent woman and I fall more and are always the last to know? In the time I spent in Liberia, I got everything, then I realized it was the photo that attracted like flies, then I took the picture, it has slowed but not stopped. The most "Transgressive" was a little boy in his thirties, who told me to have the young fellow, but he was better with mature women, I came before my eyes, my children have the same age as that young man. I replied to her messages all morning, saying that the Internet as a means of amorous approaches was cold and impersonal, without heat, without a hint of sweetness, nothing! He went his way, then I have laid off with a greeting. Practically, there is no real dialogue, but only more or less indecent proposals and the best part is, that for the first post, I also enjoyed reading them and I flattered! Then, I began to understand how false, and I said Enough! I like the computer and I love it, but some content is not for me. The heart has a certain age and I can not blow my coronary arteries, that idiot! I thought it was a nice idea!
But now it has become a matter of principle, I do not erase, I will be careful in the choice of so-called friends and I will do my well-considered choices. I'll try to stay away from rogues and who knows who does not know the real gentle gentil'uomini and women with whom to exchange constructive comments, without going into more ...... sex!

Monday, September 6, 2010

How To Make My Own Free Baptisminvitations

Five minus two.

would be able to drown