Friday, January 28, 2011

Induction Cooktop Mat

o. ... messages? A casual jobs

... I've always been one to ... "Phrases from Baci "....
indeed .. by "Fortune Cookie" (though here I do not do them) ... from a ... "I open a page of a book to read if the" message "that I must reach today ..... .. often do not see them as coincidences .... but as something else ... I'm not however, unleashed a mad! and in everything that happens not trying to make sense of "mystical" .. .. the only way so quiet ... in a joking way ... but in the end when do the trick of "I read an aphorism in case ... I always happen to me one displaces .. .. or giving me a "lesson in" .. type: "Because you see the speck that is in thy brother and do not see the beam that is in your "...! gulp! that blows! ... All that to say that for me is "normal" to do so .. that is shoot me for thinking. "Manu see here ... it happens .." anyway ... I get to tell one thing ... ... days ago my oldest son tells me a bit ' of his professors ... so I'm going to tell my prof ... of what I have left something ... a professor who first lost more than an hour or more to talk about a movie he had seen the night before at the cinema ... a story I was so excited that I went now I see it also ... the film was titled The Dead Poets Society .... beautiful Matti .. ... if I find I take so watch it ... the day after spending .. I'm going to look at the CDs and videocassettes and I find myself in front of the movie ... I buy it.

in the evening ... my mother-in-law tells me by phone: "Manu lent me a beautiful book ... 'd also like you ... is called ... .. eccecc . because the next day was complenno a 'friend I went to the library I found the book looked ... read .. a bit '.. bought. got home I could not resist .... I read 30 pages e. .. looks looks at the 23rd ... .. speaking of the fleeting moment ... regalo.Torno in the library .. I take another ... I want this book for me. I read it in one night ... I think .. I cry .. I laugh ... I hope ... .. dream Wonderful ... .. two days later while I prepare the usual boxes of books from a out a bookmark with a quote from ... Shopenauer and then I get a letter about ten years ago one of my friend who writes me of "never stop dreaming ..." ... I think I received the message loud and clear ... ... I do not know ... strange ... nice ... I do not know what to do now .. think ... think ... coincidences ... or messages? ... who knows where all this will take me ... ... today for the Friday 'the book of homemademamma .. ... for those who never stop of their dreams ... advice: white as snow, red as blood D'Alessandro Avenia


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