Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Book For Signature For Funerals

home ... a family ... a yard ...

... .. I almost changed the title to the blog ...
manumanie .. .. a house a family ... a building site ....
from cute ...! More realistic I would say .... hihi
(here's my creativity maximum:
ikea kitchen drawers fit for the tavern! )

... To do a little 'of the situation ....
so ... so ... nothing new ...
we are always in the s
Olita home (
... And with this I said it all: (
... okay .. the usual things kids say ... ... on vacation almost always wearing pajamas
: )
games scattered
Home ...
pounds due to too many dishes of grandmothers and aunts
... ... and mine too (
to times :)....
Yard .. shipyard site ... .. and especially
blo no
g! .. no stress:)
A nice Christmas spent in peace ... ... more or less ...
a Christmas in which I could not take me
from the hustle bustle of presents ... dellla shopping ...
... etc. etc.
ether ....
last post in December I wrote that all this creativity

also wanted to direct it towards something useful.
.. I left my name, I asked
... I checked ...
hope to finalize some
to design .... we'll see:)

the past ... Christmas 2010 ... want to leave this picture ... the image of a game "rediscovered" ... Polistil ... The old track ... a great game for young and old ... .. (Camilla, who has also used the four years) 's why we left the grandparents take up much space ... then one day Matt asked me to take her home ... ", mounted by the mother only a small piece .. I make the track ..."

... and so day after day ...
project after project ... you change the track widens ... ..
stretches and stretches ... sorry .. no ...." Matti, Michi
.... but ... eh ... we understand each other true? "
"Maddai mammaaaa!"
.. "oh well .. better by not being able to pass through the living room
who have not accessed the wii:)"

???.. ... What say you came to do a volglia race ???... I bet some of your hubby has a track identically in the attic:)


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