Saturday, December 18, 2010

Electronic Laser Bowling

fever fake.

Here! Like every year, with winter comes the flu and as always I am no exception. I would never influence me is annoying and is quite ill, it seems that a truck pass me on and I feel bunged. But! How things change in life. I remember the days of college, because I wanted to have a small or short febriciattola influence, accidents I never sick, I dreamed of being in bed away from the classroom at school, but there was nothing to do, is bursting with health. One day my wife Lella A. He told me: There are tricks to be a bit 'to bed in peace. So m'istruì for good health on how to bypass the obstacle. Taken by my bedside the Vicks Vaporub, was once in glass jars with blue green cap. I spalmai a goccino on eyelashes, and tears began to burn down plentiful, a bit 'on the nose which turned purple, I went to the infirmary mother Fortunata who was the sister nurse and told her that I was not at all well and go to the dorm told me handing me the thermometer distracted, I obeyed and walked towards my bed, I undressed and put my thermometer on a radiator, a few seconds were enough to raise the temperature. Sly then put it under his armpit and waited patiently for his mother, who arrived shortly thereafter and noting fever advised me to stay warm under the covers. Thanks Lella A. How wonderful! In college we would get up with the chickens, there was the holy mass, lunch, review and then to school. What sleep! How many times I wanted to throw it out the window that damn bell, which made me jump and wake up from my sweet dreams. Now, thanks to my partner that I had shown little trick, I could get me a nap as it should. How wonderful! Outside the weather was a wolf, my classmates at school, and I selfishly warm under the covers. In afternoon came the mother nurse with the usual thermometer and now? The heaters were turned off, nothing wrong, the thermometer with rubbing wool jacket, the temperature began to rise again.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Whipple Procedure And Chemo

... Thoughts of Christmas ...

.. When are "emotionally affected by anything ..
... I struggle to find the right words ..
yesterday ... I thought I write something tomorrow ... .. two lines ....

about what goes through my head these days ...
that I should never forget ... but then I forget ..
what I put in a corner of your mind ...
qngolo in the heart ... and then let it be ...
do not think fatigue ... .. I know ...
am speechless .... I do a little 'sick' this morning ...

me that I'm thinking about the post and all those stupid things
DIY ...

all this creativity ... .. all these ideas for children ...
..... but hell !!!...
there are still children who muoino of hunger ...
capita of hunger?? Of Fame ...
and I'm thinking about what to cook for the day before??

.... What nonsense!!

are sorry and saddened by all to myself ...
but unfortunately so then I go and return to business as usual ...
but maybe this was the right time ...
for a change ...
to do something now on ...
for a change 'my life ...

to use this creativity for the stupid things ...
maybe .. who knows ...
wonder this Christmas ...
... go to the website of ' UNICEF if you like ...
life presents ... This year ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Leather Bracelet At Disneyland

desire for romance ....

... Thirteen years ago .... came true on December 13
my greatest desire ....
... marry Alessandro ... :)

... these are the stakes ...
made all by hand ...
(by me of course)
should represent the two of us ....

the stool under the "my" walk says it all ...

husband ... I carpets 2 meters tall!:)

us ... ... and these young !!...
.... ahh l'amour!

from .. so much to make you a bit 'mind our own ...
dopottutto my friend always tells me Dani ....
"by Manu put the photos! Home other
is "scuriosa" always happy "!
13 years .. but still tomorrow!
many eh !!!:)
celebrate in the yard! Hihi! !

Friday, December 10, 2010

Incidence Of Endocervical Polyp And Cycling

's book Alice

. .. For the Friday of the book proposed by homemademamma ...
I propose 's book Alice ...
... transcribe the written word because it was already behind
express what I want to tell you ... I

"If you read only one book this year, read this.
It 'a little masterpiece that deserves to go into schools
on TV and in our hearts. "(Corriere della Sera)

" pages of a beauty and clarity, grace and humor
almost unthinkable ... "(La Stampa)

a poem that I often used in a Christmas card:
" Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas ... "
cried out my heart.
And immediately the atmosphere changed:
one hundred thousand lights went on in a single flash,
the hectic pace of millions of rough steps,

crowded thoughts in the minds of everyone
with speed and clarity,
and people are excited
packets exchanged smiles and

and everyone was shouting something looking for another
and hearts beat faster.

here suddenly was on the spark
who had detonated the joy, the excitement
the desire to change,
to start over from scratch, to wish well, wish
long-awaited who had arrived ...
and there was some confusion in that
a child born in a hut

the light of a comet.

(Alice.seconda media.)

... I find beautiful ...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Retirement Cake

... Christmas gifts ... Advent Calendar

... Some nights ago I attended a workshop with other "girls" ...
(but I will talk about this later)
chat and chat .. here .. there the argument has moved on:
what to give to children for Christmas ...
my vorrebero this .. my wish that
etc. ... etc. ..
... having said that I would like to give Camilla a game
not plastic ....
have been listening ... and I made my comments ...

.... way home by car then I started to think ... think ..
but really! there are only games to play ...
there are only games that you see in advertising ..
there are only games of plastic ...
there are not only the usual commercial super books ...
there are not only the usual dolls ... but damn!
not I'm sick of hearing these phrases
"Yeah but those games cost a lot of wood!"
ok.ok. .. I also say that cost me a lot ...
but then I'm not going to buy a game brand advertised
super series ... done ... that is twice as expensive but does more volume!!
sorry but this does not cost so much??
... I also got "a lot of plastic in the years to my children ....
or friends .... but I tried slowly to "educate"
to something different ... I started to give the beautiful game ... maybe too small ... but nice ....
games to play games ... ... I do not know how to say ...
games that have something to say .!!...
but I have a hard time ... because .. (we say) ..
surrounded by shops "usual" with the usual stuff ...
and to see something good I have to go somewhere on purpose
shop "different" ...
... Sorry ... I'm losing the speech is long and I
so much to say yet ... but I can not ...

to report all these words (and specifically that I do not give money to say eh!)
these stores scattered 'throughout Italy ...
let us know if you do not jump ... but do not compare with the prices, eh!
tell you already that I am a bit 'higher ... but at least to get an idea ... I'd ...
The city of the sun and find a store near you ...! then let me know if there is liked it! soon!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bugatti Veyron Radiator Layout

... Last Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent ...
but we say that we start now we wait ...

this morning ... December 1
occurred and white silent ....
subheading Matthew came and told me
.. oh, did you see out that beautiful ???.... Matti is beautiful .. .....
hours but maybe even go to say that it snows in Michi ...
... so does not get up at the last minute as always:)

this instead will be our Advent Calendar ...
.... a book ... a book that offers stories ...
... a book about feelings ...
... a book that allows me to donate some time ....
I bought it three years ago ...
and I managed to read a story to children
every night until Christmas ...
was "hard" .. but very nice ...:)
the cam was very small ... if not even remember ...
tonight .. so I thought I'd give her a surprise ...

... On the bed I'll find his bunny and this book ....
and before going to bed and read the first story ...
... The story of a teddy bear that one evening he sees a bright star in the sky ...
... a star that will point the way to Bethlehem ...
... we hope to read them all ...

ps great with the kids instead have a "chore"
assigned by catechists ...
mmmm ... we hope to do it ...
not see them very convinced!