Friday, January 28, 2011

Induction Cooktop Mat

o. ... messages? A casual jobs

... I've always been one to ... "Phrases from Baci "....
indeed .. by "Fortune Cookie" (though here I do not do them) ... from a ... "I open a page of a book to read if the" message "that I must reach today ..... .. often do not see them as coincidences .... but as something else ... I'm not however, unleashed a mad! and in everything that happens not trying to make sense of "mystical" .. .. the only way so quiet ... in a joking way ... but in the end when do the trick of "I read an aphorism in case ... I always happen to me one displaces .. .. or giving me a "lesson in" .. type: "Because you see the speck that is in thy brother and do not see the beam that is in your "...! gulp! that blows! ... All that to say that for me is "normal" to do so .. that is shoot me for thinking. "Manu see here ... it happens .." anyway ... I get to tell one thing ... ... days ago my oldest son tells me a bit ' of his professors ... so I'm going to tell my prof ... of what I have left something ... a professor who first lost more than an hour or more to talk about a movie he had seen the night before at the cinema ... a story I was so excited that I went now I see it also ... the film was titled The Dead Poets Society .... beautiful Matti .. ... if I find I take so watch it ... the day after spending .. I'm going to look at the CDs and videocassettes and I find myself in front of the movie ... I buy it.

in the evening ... my mother-in-law tells me by phone: "Manu lent me a beautiful book ... 'd also like you ... is called ... .. eccecc . because the next day was complenno a 'friend I went to the library I found the book looked ... read .. a bit '.. bought. got home I could not resist .... I read 30 pages e. .. looks looks at the 23rd ... .. speaking of the fleeting moment ... regalo.Torno in the library .. I take another ... I want this book for me. I read it in one night ... I think .. I cry .. I laugh ... I hope ... .. dream Wonderful ... .. two days later while I prepare the usual boxes of books from a out a bookmark with a quote from ... Shopenauer and then I get a letter about ten years ago one of my friend who writes me of "never stop dreaming ..." ... I think I received the message loud and clear ... ... I do not know ... strange ... nice ... I do not know what to do now .. think ... think ... coincidences ... or messages? ... who knows where all this will take me ... ... today for the Friday 'the book of homemademamma .. ... for those who never stop of their dreams ... advice: white as snow, red as blood D'Alessandro Avenia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Accidentally Swallowed Some Listerine

Here is a nice initiative!

It is simply to create simple Granny square of 5 rows, a single color or multicolored, and send it to those who need it in Australia, in Queensland where there was a terrible flood.
The paintings will be assembled in colorful blankets and will give comfort to the flood victims.

I decided to participate, I do not know how many squares with, the ones that I can do ...
There is time for all 2011.
A small gesture, so many small gestures, many people who will stay a bit 'better with this ...

E - by the way - is a great way to eat a bit 'scraps of wool that are always there waiting, or not enough for a real job:)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Interview Etiquette Email


Door Iphone ... actually experiment with the approach of the first Tunisian crochet lolly willowes Veruska.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Does Reactive Lympocytes Mean?


Materials for the SAL Lella ...

The cap cashmere Gianni ...
The MEA shawl in its second repetition ...

tests Tunisian crochet techniques (which might become a door iphone)

Where Buy Mace Columbus Ohio

New Hama Beads (Bead board) creative toys

is finally available at our shop the pack 10,000 beads Hama Beads in 48 vibrant colors (see color chart).

Another novelty is in high demand from the basket 8000 NABBA beads in 10 colors with three bases including punched.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ap Lab Nine Transpiration


We always have at home, me and her son and grandmother.
Among other things, a nap and I work, Faith play alone or with his grandmother.
We have time to think.
And among the various thoughts that I feel like jumping off a shawl to make me a bit 'precious.
The occasion was my cousin's wedding in mid-May.
The intention would be to wear a sleeveless dress of blue silk and embellished with accessories.
Color aside, I would do this.

is called Eiffel Shawl and is Natalie Servant .

It seems very appropriate and very fine, but if anyone has other ideas to undergo, they are welcome:)

Meanwhile, with my mea I make no bones;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dragon Ball Z Vegeta Gay Doujinshi


are locked in home from pandemic influenza, leg pain, hurt all the crying if I get up Tops from the sofa ... "Mama do not let soloooooooooooooooo.
And since he arrived from the Araucania ' England, I dedicate myself to this great project: the MEA shawl of Emma .
You are very kind as well as being very good and I cherish the secret hope to seeing you Saturday, if we can recover ...
MEA and aspirin ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Much Are Quo Makeup Brushes


... I like to start many things at once ...
..... but more than all I like to complete some ...:!!!

... that's a shrugs ended "the day of delivery"
... or ...
my niece's birthday is on 29 ....
... and I finished on 29 .....!!!!

... and because I was not quite in a hurry ....
I added un'etichettina fast ...!!

this ... but a garland of stars for a friend ....
terminta time .. but ...

... packed the last minute ....
... I always end up covered 3 anyway ...
start something else ... hmmm ... maybe
I think you say eh?
be the case? :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can Asthma Make You Snore


was a bit 'I watched with envy and admiration of her beautiful roses, thinking of decorations for bags, pins or even fermapacchi ...

So, the launch of this new SAL I did not just resist: I finally have my pink cloth ...
lacks only the cloth!
I subscribe to the habit of SAL Lella always Saturday night and I have to wait for the material ... uffffff! and oh well ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Book For Signature For Funerals

home ... a family ... a yard ...

... .. I almost changed the title to the blog ...
manumanie .. .. a house a family ... a building site ....
from cute ...! More realistic I would say .... hihi
(here's my creativity maximum:
ikea kitchen drawers fit for the tavern! )

... To do a little 'of the situation ....
so ... so ... nothing new ...
we are always in the s
Olita home (
... And with this I said it all: (
... okay .. the usual things kids say ... ... on vacation almost always wearing pajamas
: )
games scattered
Home ...
pounds due to too many dishes of grandmothers and aunts
... ... and mine too (
to times :)....
Yard .. shipyard site ... .. and especially
blo no
g! .. no stress:)
A nice Christmas spent in peace ... ... more or less ...
a Christmas in which I could not take me
from the hustle bustle of presents ... dellla shopping ...
... etc. etc.
ether ....
last post in December I wrote that all this creativity

also wanted to direct it towards something useful.
.. I left my name, I asked
... I checked ...
hope to finalize some
to design .... we'll see:)

the past ... Christmas 2010 ... want to leave this picture ... the image of a game "rediscovered" ... Polistil ... The old track ... a great game for young and old ... .. (Camilla, who has also used the four years) 's why we left the grandparents take up much space ... then one day Matt asked me to take her home ... ", mounted by the mother only a small piece .. I make the track ..."

... and so day after day ...
project after project ... you change the track widens ... ..
stretches and stretches ... sorry .. no ...." Matti, Michi
.... but ... eh ... we understand each other true? "
"Maddai mammaaaa!"
.. "oh well .. better by not being able to pass through the living room
who have not accessed the wii:)"

???.. ... What say you came to do a volglia race ???... I bet some of your hubby has a track identically in the attic:)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Community Service Completion Letter For Court


The name is a bit 'bat and he deserves it. Put
to have 80 grams of wool to make out.
Add a sleepless night.
Shake well and jumps out a mini-baktus. Why
initially wanted to get up to half. But
arrived in half, missing so little that you finish it.
Currently no photo because the sky is so gray that you can not even hope in the light.
But it is nice.
is warm and functional.
... but it was not planned:)

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Dog's Black Nose Has Some Pink Spots

PERO '...

I started working with the irons varies little over a year ago (just during the holidays) and I just did the bill on Ravelry ... I baked 25 little things, an average of a couple per month!
Sure, some are small, others more complex.
would also look more to my basket "WIP".
But I'm really happy.
About for 2011? Way to go!
... trying to complete the WIP
... trying to finish the wool that I have at home before you buy a new (but If not I would not be a LQA)
... trying not to get me an idea when I just finished the magic ring for another
... trying not to invent the pattern when I do not understand (but do so with the navigator)
... and maybe trying to do something for me!
is why I continue to create and present:)))

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cancer Awareness Colorsthroat Cancer


What day is it today?
the day of the socks!
Well, I was testing a pattern for the project United against cancer, are not just socks ... but it seems very appropriate.
Babbucce Their name is Lizzy and the author is this "breed" here

I find them very nice and comfortable, you're going to friend's house along with another couple that the scheme of Lella .
Then will test even with a lighter yarn and a crochet hook less
large to implement a version for children, including those already

The yarn is still held by the Master, the buttons I found in a flea market on January 2, while the cold and frost was out with his grandfather and son.
grandfather just look at all the old tools from the country, wanted a Gormita Tops vintage and for me a little 'buttons ...