Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Know If Scorpio Like You

When he was born an angel.


Through the open windows I get the sweet notes of a waltz, is the feast of the knave, which takes place in the courtyard of the oratory. You can dance sing and eat. couples twirl on the runway and music makes me dream. I close my eyes and let myself be lulled by that waltz. That's nice to daydream and go back in time, so far back, until the images appear yellow, as the photos enclosed in an old album . What a beautiful party when she was born my little sister! It was far away in October 1955. I remember that we children waited outside the door, were forbidden to enter, the midwife had arrived recently, at the time was the use of giving birth at home and rarely went to the hospital. The anticipation and curiosity was great, and I most vivid of all, I had the bright idea to climb, reaching the window, fortunately low, but I did not see anything ahead of time and that the doors were flung open from within , left hand and I received a resounding slap that made me fall backwards. He finished so my curiosity, to see how babies are born. They said that the stork brought them, but us kids with the nose up waiting a long time the appearance of this phantom Stork with the bundle in its beak, but rightly, scanning the sky in vain, that's why my brilliant idea to browse through the window.
When we did get to know the new little sister, the stork was not even a shadow, from where it had come that small? If the door was locked and we were just outside the entrance? The curiosity was great and I did a thousand questions right without even a decent answer. However, by any party had arrived, was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I fell in love with her, from the first moment I saw her!


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