Friday, August 20, 2010

Can A Chest Infection Affect Blood Sugar

River quiet? Assunta

Only now I can metabolize, what happened the night somewhere between 14 and 15 August. I remember it one of the ugliest birthday of my entire life. what a mess! Even now after a week, before my eyes that mud that covered everything. see environmental disasters on TV and pass them in person is one of the most terrifying things that a human can go. The Molgora! River quiet and peaceful, suddenly become the enemy strikes with anger people and goods, causing un'epocalisse.

the morning of August, an unexpected phone call at seven in the morning, made me jump out of bed, my daughter, who was from Sardinia, begging me to go and see, what had happened at home, because the neighbors had called . She and her husband, with children, were on vacation and are due back in a hurry. A show unimaginable. The living room was a layer of mud came from the vent of the kitchen. One of the cars was parked under the shed was dragged a hundred yards downstream, the station wagon full up to the seats of mud, never seen anything like it. Since they started work on removing the waterfalls that were used to slow the flow of water, began flooding and hardships but never of a similar scale. Behind the Molgora has been restricted and Saturday night when it started to rain so the river is abundant as exploded. The stones were placed to reconstruct the embankment were washed away, no one knows where they are finished. The situation is really dramatic. But the most terrible thing is that families feel completely abandoned by the institutions. But this is routine, the trick of passing the buck is old and already exploited, but it always works.


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