Friday, August 20, 2010

Can A Chest Infection Affect Blood Sugar

River quiet? Assunta

Only now I can metabolize, what happened the night somewhere between 14 and 15 August. I remember it one of the ugliest birthday of my entire life. what a mess! Even now after a week, before my eyes that mud that covered everything. see environmental disasters on TV and pass them in person is one of the most terrifying things that a human can go. The Molgora! River quiet and peaceful, suddenly become the enemy strikes with anger people and goods, causing un'epocalisse.

the morning of August, an unexpected phone call at seven in the morning, made me jump out of bed, my daughter, who was from Sardinia, begging me to go and see, what had happened at home, because the neighbors had called . She and her husband, with children, were on vacation and are due back in a hurry. A show unimaginable. The living room was a layer of mud came from the vent of the kitchen. One of the cars was parked under the shed was dragged a hundred yards downstream, the station wagon full up to the seats of mud, never seen anything like it. Since they started work on removing the waterfalls that were used to slow the flow of water, began flooding and hardships but never of a similar scale. Behind the Molgora has been restricted and Saturday night when it started to rain so the river is abundant as exploded. The stones were placed to reconstruct the embankment were washed away, no one knows where they are finished. The situation is really dramatic. But the most terrible thing is that families feel completely abandoned by the institutions. But this is routine, the trick of passing the buck is old and already exploited, but it always works.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

On Sims 3 Stop Fertility


It 'just after midnight! My God, now I have 62 years. I feel dazed, I realize that time is running out. At the entrance to my house, in a corner stands a grandfather clock in the column. Strikes the hours, the half-and quarter of an hour, with a systematic basis by approximately thirty-one. Inside, at the top, there is a medallion that read: TEMPUS FUGITIVE. When you look carefully, I have to distract me, because a sense of loss, mixed with anxiety attacks me. He has written that reason, time inexorably runs wildly and it seems always to supply fuel in the sprint, because never stops. 62 years! I Assunta, who until the other day I was seventeen, and who asked me how old are you? Always answered the winds, to make me feel more grown up! And now? Oh well, I'll ignore it, so the music does not change. I begin to greet me alone. Assunta Greetings dear, how much we have spent together, we had fun, we cried, we suffered, but in our little self and my soul, we have lived. My mom says that when I was born, I was a beautiful blonde girl, I was born so big that ... well I have suffered more than you need, when you said, I believe, because that (major) I have never left me and conditioning for the rest of life.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dale Earnhardt Pinewood Derby

Happy Birthday! Wonderful mom!

The mother is always the mother and here it rains there. She is unique, special, always there for me, a safe haven in which to land. I love my Mom and its strengths and its many flaws. You are proud, proud, arrogant and impatient, but affectionate and generous. Sometimes the adult child at times grew too fast, lioness for her small family and hurt so terrible, when fate took away the least of his premature babies. A lot of pain, a lot of adversity has managed to survive this What does not kill, it helps to get stronger. Greetings dear mother! Wonderful, stubborn and formidable mother, who wants to make the tough but could never.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Know If Scorpio Like You

When he was born an angel.


Through the open windows I get the sweet notes of a waltz, is the feast of the knave, which takes place in the courtyard of the oratory. You can dance sing and eat. couples twirl on the runway and music makes me dream. I close my eyes and let myself be lulled by that waltz. That's nice to daydream and go back in time, so far back, until the images appear yellow, as the photos enclosed in an old album . What a beautiful party when she was born my little sister! It was far away in October 1955. I remember that we children waited outside the door, were forbidden to enter, the midwife had arrived recently, at the time was the use of giving birth at home and rarely went to the hospital. The anticipation and curiosity was great, and I most vivid of all, I had the bright idea to climb, reaching the window, fortunately low, but I did not see anything ahead of time and that the doors were flung open from within , left hand and I received a resounding slap that made me fall backwards. He finished so my curiosity, to see how babies are born. They said that the stork brought them, but us kids with the nose up waiting a long time the appearance of this phantom Stork with the bundle in its beak, but rightly, scanning the sky in vain, that's why my brilliant idea to browse through the window.
When we did get to know the new little sister, the stork was not even a shadow, from where it had come that small? If the door was locked and we were just outside the entrance? The curiosity was great and I did a thousand questions right without even a decent answer. However, by any party had arrived, was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I fell in love with her, from the first moment I saw her!

Letters To The Judge Regarding Community Service

The great anger.

The sweltering heat forbids me to sleep, I switch from one terrace to another, without finding refreshment.
Looking at the sky, I can not even count the stars have all gone under the hood of heat that does not breathe. Here come the thoughts, I knew! The memories are those that afflict me most and I hammer in the brain. I figured I'd just vacated the my gray cells, they would immediately ran to her memory. Who knows why, I am reminded of this sad parentheses in my life from college, and now that my sister is gone and even more sad and melancholy.
was passed just a few months since we were coming from far-off Sicily. The College of Como era for two of us (my sister and I) had a new experience to us both bewildered. One morning after breakfast, we were in the courtyard waiting for the call to get everyone in their classrooms. I as usual looked out of the small elementary school to see my sister, I was reassured to see it all day. There was! I started looking around and not see it anywhere. Instinctively, I looked at what were the windows of the dormitory and saw her there! Behind the glass crying and desperate. Something of the white covered his beautiful brown curls. I ran out of the running yard, climb the four steps four, I entered the dorm and I could see through the glass. I called her and when she turned, I realized that what we had in mind were her panties, I asked her what had happened and she tearfully told me that he had put them to him in the head nun still wet, because she had peed him, to torment you before the other girls. It was diperata shame. I hugged her trying to comfort her. Anger, even the tremendous anger that came over me, I can not describe the impulse was to beat arrogant and silly nun, who among other things was also small and ugly, but I could not, I threatened to make them dislike even more my little eyes you've had the wrong like me, be Southern. That episode, I've never forgotten, nor my sister. In all my years of college, it never turned the floor to the nun, who called himself a servant of the Lord, but it was bad and highly racist and did not scruple to point it out and when he said, had that little laugh from stupid that made me so angry. That memory el 'bitter mortification of that sweet little angel, her beautiful eyes full of tears that shone throughout his despair and sadness, especially now that there is more, it still makes me cry tears and makes me look that bad chapter in our life, even more sad and full of melancholy! I try to erase those bitter moments, because I know that I still do evil, but it is not easy, sometimes by a corner of my memory back, and I remember them, as if it happened yesterday.
Sure maybe a punishment to teach is fine, but mortifying that way so bad, a child of six years and more in a new environment, away from his habits and his country, I did not then and not designed even conceive of now!