Monday, January 5, 2009

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The advice and products alternator Celina

outstanding Celina some tips and useful information:
ll medium and bright 'a medium (which acts as an intermediary product, is mixed with other products, acrylic paints in this case) that makes the product color more transparent. You can use it to dilute the pigments.

The pencils solubles are colored pencils ... common, such as those used in school bathrooms if a colored picture with them, you can have a watercolor effect. The purple

is a powder metal and exists in various shades. To use it to gild an object, it is diluted with shellac or varnish with oil in the gel. To fill the cracks in carquelé using a sponge brush or a soft cloth and rub well. If the cracks are not apparent themes and to wash the item in the future with clear finish spray fix it. Stencil you can use it as an ancient decorative technique to create stunning effects (read the book "How to decorate with stencils" to Celine of Pisa).
paint "laccante" is advisable in decoupage? The ideal paint (dries quickly, does not yellow, does not change the color of the images, pollutes little and does not smell) is the acrylic. Among the different types to choose flooring that water 'cause scratch, anti-moisture and more resistant.
There is also the so-called flatting (in theory this word indicates that only oil-based, that 'a solvent, but in practice is used to indicate the acrylic, that' water-based). The real flatting oil yellow and gives an antique look for work. The brushes in this case should be cleaned with mineral spirits, turpentine or Universal (does not pollute). When work keeps a jar up with turpentine in which dip the brush in your work breaks (if you get up, answer the phone ...). To clean it, wash it well with mineral spirits. If you want to keep it in good condition keep him immersed in a jar with turpentine keeping it open (and lock wire tie it to a co cork). The thinner should not be thrown on the ground or drains. I have a barattolone filling with dirty thinner. Ask your local council where should be discarded. If you can avoid flatting foul; use transparent acrylic paint: in addition to the advantages mentioned above, the brushes can be washed with water.

What replaces the "cement" ? The cast acrylic, primer (more 'hands) and gypsum powder to "shape" (though this is more difficult to draw and it 'fragile). What replaces the

adhesion (in the case of impermeable surfaces)? The primer replacing it with cement or plaster acrylic and vice versa.
If you need to prepare a metal object are now available for anti-rust white or cream (usually are gray or orange). So now you're done with two hands and if you want a light background, you can work directly above (or stencil Découpe). What is the

filler? The sealer penetrates into the cracks of the wood and fill it. When and 'dry wood is very rough and you have sand, you will get a very smooth surface. If the wood is not 'too rough sandpaper directly and passes acrylic cement or gypsum and sand. Of course, the treated wood with filler (and sandpaper) and 'more polished. What is the

bitumen of Judea? It is a dark wax to age or fill in the cracks of the crackle. The stretch with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits or turpentine, rubbing well. Can 'spot, then spread it well (in which case add dell'acquaragia). There is also liquid and is called simply "bitumen".

What exactly is the effect of "pickled" ? How do you get? The effect
pickled (pickled by the French, scraped). E 'effect on wood used to remove the paint. In This way the wood looks worn. Scratch with a wire brush. Paint with background color then pass the wax rubbing here and there (using a candle). Then paint with a different color and handle the wax that will cover the veins that have shown through the wire brush. The paint that comes off will leave a glimpse of your fund. There are also special products in a kit including a French Liberon (in the do-it-yourself).

What kind of gold leaf should I use? There are two types of metallic leaf 1) the gold or silver leaf and the real metal (various colors) in "format" thin and fragile, 2) the leaf-off (foil), and that 'metal transferred onto a transparent support (See the transparency when you applied the metal on the mission). The glue used for both types is the mission (waiting 15 minutes to 2 days-must become transparent to begin with). I highly recommend using the leaf of the first type.

How to avoid the signs of streaks left by the brush when you paint the object? If you have this problem means you are skipping an important step: having "painted" the work with 20 coats of varnished (less for some finishing gel) phase begins sanding (see above). Sand the streaks disappear and your work is uniform and smooth. Continues with another dozen coats of paint alternating with sanding.

glue that is better used for decoupage under glass and why sometimes appear shiny spots on the picture pasted? The glue that is ideal for glass PVA (PVA), mixed with a little 'water (but not too much). The bright spots depend on a lack of glue. Put ever so much, cover it with your fingers, how to grease a pan, so as to burst the bubbles, then when you're pasting the paper otherwise too Schicchi not remove all the glue and they will be bright spots. In the book "How to decorate with decoupage" the problem is mentioned on page 72, in the "How". The artist Mery Nell, an expert in under the glass (see page. 80), has developed a special glue you can buy over the Internet.


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