Friday, March 18, 2011

Metal Concert Poster Template

TOP 10 THINGS SO worth living ... EIFFEL

Leggo Saviano initiative of public and even I have my list:
1) your son who wakes up every morning with a beautiful face, saying "hello mum"
2) friends, all
3) music, all
4) books, (almost) all:)
5) old photographs
6) the sea in summer and winter sea
7) any aircraft or a train that takes you somewhere no matter whether for business or pleasure, the important thing is the journey
8) look at the stranger who smiles at you just because you're smiling too and you will not even noticed you were
9) Christmas Eve family
10) Nutella and ice cream Pistachio

As I was writing I thought the days when able to do this list for me was essential to find the strength to get out of bed.
should be much better: This morning I had to prune to name but ten.
And the great thing is that the first two reasons have not changed ...


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