Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fire Reetardnant Overalls

stories in white coats!

Not long ago, the site of frequent external and almost two years, there have been a new post, was a lady who claimed to be a gynecologist. When I was a little on my own, in almost two years, entering and exiting the site, I've seen hundreds and I thought she was one of those, starting in the fourth and then stops rising. Over time, however, I changed my mind and story after story, telling bits of life, I learned to know her. Time travel is a friend in this virtual world and helps me to show that the beautiful and clean, you can find, even in a media world where everything is legal and without limits.
This is his most tender story, a story of life lived every day in his clinic doctor gynecologist. MARY
I met Mary III to its third month of pregnancy. It was 2001. Had just been fired WOMEN from which he was at the domestic worker. He came to me the first time with her husband Joseph, she was in Italy from two to three years, her husband had reached a few months. They looked like the sweethearts of Peineta, she always spoke, he nodded to everything she said. In July, they came for the usual control and Joseph, violating a while I said: "With the color she strarebbe well with our shari, on Christmas Day as we travel to India will bring him one." Soon after August I telephoned their neighbor, to say that Joseph had been hit by a truck and died. Mary was studying one of the sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, then had an unshakable faith, this helped her to overcome those first tragic moments. When he came back to me in October (after his return from India, where he had reported her husband), I stood in front of a nice package and said: "This sends him Joseph!" Inside, as you can imagine there were two beautiful Sarh. The cry was immediate. At that moment I decided to "adopt" Mary and her unborn child. I involved my friends in tournaments burraco and mah jong and when the baby is born, we opened a book in the Bank .. On the death of my husband have to her for the donations collected. Now Mary is back in India, with a little treasure for your child.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Can I Get Pityriasis Rosea More Than Once

Italy of right-thinking! The barracks of

They tried to destroy the statues in Palermo just placed Falcone and Borsellino, or perhaps better, was bothered by the bad conscience of the many who can not live without evil .. They were aware of the danger that modern heroes, they got involved in trying to defend a country massacred, insulted and smeared. With them we can not forget, many others, which are the most beautiful and clean, of our martyred Italy.
A tribute goes also to all those soldiers and their unfortunate families who shared among them the most excruciating pain, to hear a knock at the news of an infamous destiny.

But to us, Italian careless and hasty, of everything, who cares? We have many ideals again, be proud!

We Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo, etc. ....

Four peasants, who think only about money and with the ball, they earn too many ....

We have the porn stars who have stayed in parliament.
stars and starlets of all sizes and all measures of doll rubber, which rubber also the brain.
We gays, pedophiles and the like
Extra Community will soon be the masters in our house
and we do not even realize it, all taken to seek to demonstrate that we are not racists.

We have a divorce, the disintegration of families, abortion, the pill the day before and the day after that. A large factory of angels every day, he flies to the sky, the absence of moral values, not that drug, alcohol, black masses, traffic bodies (with all that is behind the terrible), and between rulers and masters for the indifference and the most corrupt ...................

With all these good things, do not try to ask to pray for peace.

because we had those who could afford but ..... were uncomfortable and we killed them and used as cannon fodder as !!!!!!!!!!!!

Bras And Pantygirdles


The Television is now just a walkway deventata nonsense, transmissions that sterile and empty talk, talk, and never said anything interesting. Every now and send some good documentaries, I watch them more willingly, because they are usually very well done. In one of them, looking like a slum demolishing dilapidated, dirty and old, for some reason thought he took me away, when little, I lived in Messina, in a tiny house, which was little more than a nutshell. Next to the stable where I lodged with my family, there was a slum where they lived all displaced persons. The war had just ended and many were homeless, and here the so-called barracks, stuck one after the other like mushrooms. Were made of wood and many are pushing to have The terrace or garden, complete with a kitchen garden, dominated by tomatoes and vegetables of all kinds. The colors, they could not hug each other, screeching across the various colors in a mess without criteria. There were children who were born, grew up in also married, in the dilapidated buildings and if once tie the knot, had the problem of housing in their turn, no problem! Four-axis and the house was ready, and so day by day grow out of the slums and with it grew the hardships of the poor.
Ironically, I in my innocence of a child, I envied all those children who lived in those wooden houses, so strange and I did not realize that I was lucky that I lived in an apartment although small, at least the walls were solid and safe. I remember that I tried to see inside those buildings made of wood, with some little friend to play during a rainy day. The wooden roofs and their filtered water to avoid this and not flooded, they put in the loss of everything from pots to the tolerance huge tin, so to speak, those that were used to hold the tomatoes, or even buckets metal. The ticking of rain water in various containers, procured a strange sound, a particular music, which we children became a kind of game, we small did not understand the discomfort of the adults, those in cold areas in winter and hot summer, full of mold, and I in spite of everything, I continued to envy the inhabitants of those dilapidated shacks, without knowing in my naivety, that what for me were of the fairy houses for them were some real problems, live in the most impoverished in the mud, no toilets, pools with huge puddles instead of roads, including humidity and mice.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thank You Letter To The Pastor After Funeral

my dreams of a poor dog.

I do not steal and the man, but in stores it says: E 'denied entry have dogs.
I do not swear and man, yet the Church is written No Admittance have dogs.
I do not cheat and do not scandal, the man, but in spoken and written: E 'denied entry have dogs.
I've never had a war and many men, yet use the word: Beware have dogs.
I am not asking bribes in return for my "work", the man, but I have to go around with the leash, muzzle and the fear of being abandoned.
Especially when the man decides that I have weight (Christmas, Easter holidays). Think, man behaves like that with his fellows, when they no longer have the strength to defend themselves, because they are too old and useless .... So I say! Who among us is "Dog" really?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Much Does Brazilian Wax Cost

The new Tiger and Ladybug ride-on suitcase

For our children we have created a case to prove to them the thrill of being inside the suitcase putting everything they want.

Goodbye to boredom, the tears and tantrums during the long waits: trunk ride-on is a convenient and secure way to sit and rest, be towed or pushed around by their parents.
E 'with a shoulder strap to carry it also.
TRUNK of the case were produced two new models: one in the shape of Tigre , other shaped Ladybug they'll soon become the ' inseparable traveling companion of the children!

sale on the online store Toys creative !