Friday, April 9, 2010

Injuries To Ballerinas As Bad As Other Sports

1 - Separate clothes by color

-Red, blue and black are in your columns of Hercules, before crossing, not equipped to meet a shipwreck. To test their hazard inumidiscine one hand and press them between two pieces of white cloth if the cloth is stained even better to separate them from each other.

-White is sacred always better to wash it alone. For bleaching in an environmentally friendly manner, instead of common additives you can use a heavy duty canvas bag with crushed eggshells. Put it in the laundry, either by hand or machine. Or let your laundry soak for 4 or 5 hours in a solution of water and salt.

2 - Divide the animals for tissue type

-Towels get along with the sheets and socks, sweaters make common cause with each other but do not socialize with other tribes, the nylon stockings are absolutely snob and do not want to mingle with other guests. In short, doing laundry is also an exercise in diplomacy.

Split-type fabric for the clothes and make special care to separate delicate items from those that have zip, hooks, or other applications "dangerous." Close the top (lace or silk garments and lingerie) in a pillowcase, so as to separate them from others. So, also, is not likely that the underwire bra will not fall out and be lost during the spin, ruining your machine.

3 - Follow the golden rules for each wash

-Consider the hardness of the water you use to wash: this is the amount of calcium it contains. More hard water, less detergent foaming. In the water "soft" soap is a lot of foam and washing requires more rinses.

- Put all of them inside out before diving.

- For the best deal in the black market are various additives: strictly follow the directions and never mix with each other.

- Finally, follow the signs for each fiber. Here is a mini-handbook:

• Wool: washed by hand or machine wash in cold water and still no spin. If you want to retrieve a head slightly shrunk, immerse them for twenty-four hours in a bowl with 1 tablespoon of ammonia per liter of water cold.

• Silk: washed by hand in warm water. To keep it soft to the final rinse add lemon juice or vinegar or a bit 'of salt. No spin. • lace and tulle
: washed with the water of boiled rice and always keep them away from bleach.

• Cotton: tortured you in high temperatures and centrifugal washing machine will survive anyway.

• Hemp and Flax: put in a washing machine but the spin off, if you do not want to suffer with the iron.

• Jeans: lava aside until you are certain that they have ceased to bleed.

Acetates: lava at low temperature by hand or machine, it is allowed to spin at low intensity.

• Acrylics: lava at low temperature in a washing machine but follow carefully the instructions on the label.


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