Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Soap Notes Example For Occupational Therapists

Plasmacar is a true ecological means of transport!!

Watch the video of PLASMACAR IN ACTION

fact to move Plasma car does not need it 'batteries will' of electricity, but it works with a source of energy inexhaustible: the desire to play for your children! To move
Plasmacar just need a flat surface and a pilot himself who is the driver with his forces (inertia, centrifugal, gravity and friction) will operate this new means of transport and entertainment.

Plasmacar is only necessary to move his steering wheel left and right. With this movement, and thanks to technology used in its construction can raggiumgere speed of 2.8 meters per second. Thanks to the 360 \u200b\u200b° steering turn around and go backwards.
Plasmacar was created essentially for the amusement of children, but if some parents will be taken by the sudden desire to make a walk, there will be problems, since Plasmacar can carry a weight of 100 kg.

Plasmacar is built to European safety standards. It assembles in 10 minutes. E 'light, practical and can be easily put in any car.
Plasmacar can be used at home or outdoors, and therefore can easily become not only an ecology pastime, a nice opportunity to socialize with other children.
Winner of seven international awards.

Suitable for children from 3 years onwards.
Available in our online store in 3 different colors.


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