Saturday, August 20, 2011

Oklahoma Sooners Wrestling Singlets

serials 1.

I wish my blog became my diary, but rather I'll just do my personal diary. If someone read it, I'll be happy if nobody will not matter, I will write anyway, just for my personal pleasure. I'll put my hopes, my thoughts and why not! Even my memories, as well as my dreams. Speaking of dreams, we want to talk about? I had many, unfortunately, were shattered as the waves are breaking on the rocks, as the years go by I have less and less, until I am sure, will dream no more, for that matter in 60 years what do you dream? Come back! But you can, to stop time running unrelenting, this is impossible, then nothing. Hopes? As we speak of these? What I hope, only to get up in the morning without pain, because with the advancement of years, you inherit them also. I spent my life dedicating myself to my house and my family with all the love that I was able, I have done many good things but also many errors, but then who is perfect? I've always had a mania for moving furniture from one side of the house, always with my own, I was a mule, now suddenly I can not, I realize that I go back to the 'autumn of life, and I run both boxes!